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वो है मां

वो है मां

देवकी बन जाने से कोई यशोदा नहीं होती
जन्म देने भर से कोई मां नहीं होती

नखरे बालक के जो उठाए
अपनी नींद भुला उसको सुलाए
वो है मां

जिसको बच्चे की पुकार कोसों सुनाई दे जाए
जिसकी आवाज हर बार लोरी का काम कर जाए
वो है मां

जिसके दिल में प्यार का सागर असीमित हो
जिसका स्पर्श करता रोम-रोम प्रभावित हो
वो है मां

जिसके लिए ना आकार ना प्रकार रखते कोई माने हो
जिसकी नजर सचेत संरक्षण करे खतरे सभी मिटाने को
वो है मां

जिसमें हो साहस अपने अस्तित्व को भुलाने का
जिसका लक्ष्य हो सही राह दिखलाने का
वो है मां

गर है जीवन में तुम्हारे ऐसी कोई शक्ति
हो के नतमस्तक कर लो उसकी भक्ति
कि वो है मां।


English explanation

The poem begins with the line: "देवकी बन जाने से कोई यशोदा नहीं होती" (To be Devaki does not make one Yashoda).

This references Devaki and Yashoda, two central figures in Hindu mythology associated with Lord Krishna.

  • Devaki is Krishna’s biological mother, who gave birth to him but could not raise him due to the threat of her brother, King Kamsa.
  • Yashoda is Krishna’s foster mother, who raised him with unconditional love and care in Vrindavan.

It basically underscores that motherhood is not defined by biology alone but by the selfless love, sacrifice, and nurturing that Yashoda embodied. It highlights the idea that a mother’s role transcends mere birth and is about the emotional, spiritual, and physical labour of raising a child.

She is Mother

To be Devaki does not make one Yashoda,
To birth a child does not make one Mother.

Who cradles tantrums, sleepless nights,
And trades her rest for lullabies -
She is Mother.

Who hears her child’s faintest cry,
Whose voice becomes the soothing sky -
She is Mother.

Whose touch ignites a soul’s rebirth,
Whose love’s an ocean, boundless, Earth -
She is Mother.

No shape, no form, yet fiercely wise,
Her gaze shields storms, commands the skies -
She is Mother.

Who dares to vanish, self-undo,
To light the path her child walks through -
She is Mother.

If such a force dwells in your life,
Bow, revere her endless strife -
She is Mother.
