Part 1 - Configure Epson S515W on Linux Mint / Ubuntu 10.04
While this tutorial will get your printer up and running, you should also follow Part 2 to ensure that it continues to work even after you have restarted your printer.
While this tutorial will get your printer up and running, you should also follow Part 2 to ensure that it continues to work even after you have restarted your printer.
While I prefer Maitreya as it can run with Linux as native, quite a few of my friends have asked me if Jagannatha Hora will work on Linux and hence this post.
Right, when I tried last time around mid Oct'09, JHora was not working using wine. However, recently things have changed. If you are not aware or have not used Play On Linux then you should try it out. It works. Anyway back to original topic, the steps to install Jagannatha Hora on Kubuntu 10.04 are as below. (I am mighty sure this will work on other linux machines but I have tried it only on Kubuntu 10.04 which is increasingly becoming my OS of choice.)
First I must thank the Maitreya developers for coming up with such a wonderful Vedic Astrology software that works on Linux. I am not aware of any other vedic astrology software that works on Linux.
Next I have to say that the install instructions on the site (and in the tarball) are not written with a newbie in mind and I had to struggle a bit before I could get it to work. The compiling of source code is really similar for I guess all source codes in general on linux and in particular in Ubuntu / Kubuntu but thing is when you are new to the platform and probably have almost all required software in repositories you rarely come across a situation where you need to compile from a source code to install your favourite software. Anyway so without wasting time in chit-chat, below is the step by step installation of Maitreya 6 on Ubuntu / Kubuntu.
I was trying to install spotify on linux which used to work perfectly on Gnome and when I tried on KDE it was giving error box. I wrote winecfg on terminal and got following error:
fixme:jack:JACK_drvLoad error loading the jack library, please install this library to use jack
Right so I am happy with Blogilo, then why BlogTK?
It so happened that I was trying to edit my last post and for some unknown reason I was getting error in updating through Blogilo. I was not able to update through Blogilo and I think it is because of the snapshots included in the post.
This is how my love for Kubuntu has started....and growing by the minute...
I was experimenting with different Linux distros and then I went ahead with Linux Mint – which is quite popular and is know as “ubuntu done right”. I liked it and started dwelling more and played around with themes and such before I figured it is becoming kind of prescriptive and thought will actually play with the a distro with KDE not too far from Ubuntu – Kubuntu and boy was I surprised with the difference … all to their own opinion but mine is KDE is one helluva beautiful thing....the stuff that is done here is simply amazing …. alright once I was done with dropping my jaw at every step I figured there is a bit of learning curve right from the word go and so before I start forgetting what all I have learnt I felt it will be safe jotting it all down and thus this post.
Right so if any of this catches your fancy, please be my guest...
Ever since I laid my hands on O2 XDA Serra aka HTC Raphael aka HTC Touch Pro , I have always loved the device despite it’s limitations on battery life and have found some really useful apps during my association with windows mobile (for last five years or so) which found their way onto Serra as well. While I have known for a while that we can flash ROMS, I was perhaps over protective when it came to Serra and never really went beyond doing a HardSPL for device but last Sunday when I was fiddling with the facebook application and SMS registration, I realised that each time I sent an SMS and then tried to open the internet explorer or opera they will just crash demanding a soft reset. I could instantly find the problem to be Kaspersky Anti-Virus(KAV) failure. It is not possible to remove KAV without a hard reset at least not to my knowledge. (A hard reset is what brings your device back to factory conditions). Now since a Hard Reset would mean lot of work in terms of reinstalling all my beloved apps etc, I figured I might as well see if there is some other ROM I could use. This is what triggered my quest.
UPDATE for 9.10
For Ubuntu 9.10 I was just not able to get it work and finally I figured it out. The problem is with the latest Nvidia driver, the one that ubuntu says recommended. In order to make your TV Out work, you must uninstall the latest release version and install the one just lower than that. (The working version for me was 173.) Then follow these steps:
Then follow the steps shown below. If you are lucky you wont need to refer Section A of this post at all. I did not have to do that.Alright friends not a huge tip but still I, being new fan of Ubuntu, installed it on my media laptop...Sony VAIO...
One might ask what is media laptop...well I had a bit of problem with my Sony VAIO some 1.5 years back and a key got stuck and as it goes with any Sony product there was no cheap solution at hand...
At that time for some reason it appeared like a motherboard issue and I just bought another Dell laptop...later I realised that it was a keyboard issue so I invested in a wireless keyboard and had two lappies at home just like that ... I figured that with wireless keyboard VAIO laptop will make perfect companion to my 32' Samsung and hence it got the name of media laptop.
While I have moved on from P990i which is now in safe hands of my dear wife, I remember doing some good amount of web searching and still had no idea how to set up push-mail on P990i.
I then thought I will configure a mail anyway and to my surprise the device is capable of enabling push-mail on it`s own as I found while fiddling along. Anyway I have configured push-mail for wifey dear and she was mighty impressed.
The steps I followed are as below: