Get Gmail as Push Email on Sony P990i

While I have moved on from P990i which is now in safe hands of my dear wife, I remember doing some good amount of web searching and still had no idea how to set up push-mail on P990i.

I then thought I will configure a mail anyway and to my surprise the device is capable of enabling push-mail on it`s own as I found while fiddling along. Anyway I have configured push-mail for wifey dear and she was mighty impressed. 😄

The steps I followed are as below:

  • Main Menu -> Tools -> Control Panel -> Messaging -> Email Accounts -> New

  • Fill Account Name as Gmail

  • Your Name as ..well... your name.. 😄

  • Email Address - Your gmail address

  • In Connection Type select IMAP from the drop down list.

  • Tick on Push email

  • Now goto Inbox Tab.

  • Type under Incoming Server Address

  • Type your email address under Username

  • Enter your password under Password

  • Depending on you data plan you might want to put something else but I have unlimited internet plan so I have selected No Restriction under Download Restrictions

  • Limit number of Emails - I have selected 100, you can chose as per your needs.

  • Receive using Group - Select the group of internet account that has your phone provider configured. (I am assuming that you have already configured internet settings on your phone. If not that is a separate topic but you can easily find information on user manual so at the moment let`s consider it as out of scope for this entry.)

  • Now goto Outbox Tab.

  • Type under Outgoing Server Address

  • Tick the checkbox Use SMTP Authentication

  • Tick the checkbox Use Inbox Login details

  • Select the same internet group as above under Send using Group

  • Now click on the arrow next to Email account on top of the screen and click on Advanced from the dropdown list

  • Under Incoming tab Select SSL under the field Secure connection

  • Type 993 under field Incoming mail port

  • Next in Outgoing tab under Secure Connection filed select TLS

  • Type 587 under field Outgoing mail port

  • Tick the checkbox Use MIME encoding

  • Click on Save

  • Click on Save again

  • Now the screen will show Gmail listed as your email account.

  • On this screen again click on the arrow next to Email account on top of the screen and select Always on Pushmail.

  • Tick the checkbox next to Always On

  • Select the timings and select the phone providers datasetting name under Internet Account and click Save.

  • This is it. You are now all set to receive your mails on the go...

Have fun !!!