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Server Setup

Seafile Server behind nginx on Fedora 24 Security Lab Spin

I have recently been intrigued by the idea of replacing the likes of “Dropbox” and “Google Drive” with a cloud set-up of my own. I had "Owncloud" set-up for nearly a year but was not happy with it. There were minor niggles aside form speed and thumbnails and then “Owncloud” had a recent split leading to creation of “Nextcloud”.

While “Nextcloud” is the one that is more aligned to the general principles of community driven software, it is new and is still plagued with owncloud issues as it is essentially same stuff in new packaging at the moment.

In the meantime, every now and then I was reading all the good stuff people had to say about "Seafile" and so I wanted to give it a try. Now for the past year and a half I have also been using Fedora Security Lab spin on my home server and I just wanted to get the Seafile set-up on it so I did a few “duckduckgo” searches on the net and finally had the steps to achieve the objective. Obviously it all worked and my Seafile server is live and kicking, hence the post. 😄

So in nutshell my objective was to:

Install seafile-server-5 behind nginx on Fedora 24 Security Lab spin all on a 32 bit 12 year old laptop.

The steps I followed are listed below with detailed notes of what I did. I do not claim these to be perfect but this is what worked for me. If you know that something can be done better, please do let me know in the comments.