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Tomcat 8.5.4 on Fedora behind Nginx

Install Oracle Java

#install jdk
wget --no-cookies --no-check-certificate --header "Cookie:; oraclelicense=accept-securebackup-cookie" ""
#install jre
wget --no-cookies --no-check-certificate --header "Cookie: gpw_e24= oraclelicense=accept-securebackup-cookie" ""
#enable firefox plugin
alternatives --install /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/ /usr/java/jdk1.8.0_102/jre/lib/i386/ 20000


URL for JDK and JRE is best obtained directly from oracle website

MySQL function to calculate elapsed working time

I wrote this function to cater for a specific requirement and I don't know if there are better ways of doing it but this saved tremendous amount of time and might have real time application elsewhere.

Problem Statement:

Find out the age of an incident in working minutes, given the following:

  1. Time and Date of when an incident was logged
  2. Time and date of when the same incident was closed
  3. Opening time of the site for which the incident was logged
  4. Closing Time of the site for which incident was logged
  5. Country of the site for which incident has been logged


It is assumed that opening and closing times are same on all working days and that all the sites are closed on holidays and weekends

Function should take all the above five "given" as parameter and then calculate age of the incident.

The complete walkthrough of my blogger to ghost migration

The 7 Year Itch

It can't possibly be a coincidence that this is the 7th year since I started blogging on blogger and therefore it is very likely to be a strong case of the 7 year itch syndrome but whichever way you look at it, divorce was inevitable given blogger had just stopped inspiring me.

I have been fiddling with different blogging platforms while getting accused of neglecting my sweet and loving family...😢. Ghost caught my fancy three weeks back. The last post was the beginning of our courtship and this post tells the tale of how a casual fling turned into marital commitment. 😂

To start a fresh blog, choosing any platform is easy and straight forward but to move from one platform to another is - umm... lets just say a very involved process - rewarding but involved.

Love can move mountains!!!

A complete migration from blogger to WordPress would have been way simpler. I know this as I have done it in past and it appeared like moving to Ghost would require migrating to a WordPress instance anyway. There was - I must admit - a temptation to call WordPress the home but that wouldn't have made a great love-story now - would it?

However, the much publicised WordPress route to Ghost migration did not work for me and eventually after a lot of manual copying, pasting, cleaning, pruning, hiding, reading and learning later, the self-hosted blog is all complete.

Ghost on Fedora 24

To install Ghost as my blogging platform, I had to go through a number of hoops and one of them was to get the nodejs working and what not. I figured this might as well be worth documenting in case I have to do this all over again. It might also be helpful for some other inquisitive minds. 😄

The most useful reference I found was the post on rosehosting website specific to CentOS 7.

It would have all gone well too; had it not been for the nodejs related issues which resulted in me finding the other helpful pointers from various forums.

Anyway, the steps I took to get this all working are detailed in my notes below - keeping it, where I can, true to the post I have referred above:

Prepare Linux Mint 13 for Android development


Few weeks back I updated to the latest Linux Mint offering 'Maya' a.k.a Linux Mint 13. Now this is a LTS (Long Term Support) version and I wanted to be in a position to install everything right just so I can keep it for a longer duration and hence have been taking my time configuring stuff.

Last time when I had set up system for Android Development I remember messing up a lot and ending up installing too many things here and there and in the process did learn how to do it properly. I did not document that as a blog as it was too fragmented an experience at that time but this time round I did it properly and everything (well, okay, almost everything) was perfect.

Install Open Workbench and JRE on Wine in Linux Mint

What is Open Workbench?

Open Workbench is a Project Planning Software comparable to Microsoft Project. There are mixed views on whether it is truly open source or not but as it is considered a very good alternative for Microsoft Project and it is free to download, it is something I as a Project Manager would want to know about. After all some of my clients are going to be using this. :)