This post was basically continuation of the previous post and outlined the steps taken to achieve the following flow, however there was an announcement recently which stops bluesky search as means of automation so I had to modify the flow:
The modified flow that I applied, is as shown below and I will update this post in due course to provide documentation on code changes but code can also see the code here
Once the steps of previous post are completed, basically following additional steps will ensure that a new post will trigger creation of a bluesky post which in turn will enable bluesky comments on the post on the site.
Python script assumes that social plugin of material for mkdocs is enabled. It relies on the social ocards created using that plugin. If it is not enabled, it will need to be enabled in mkdocs.yml as per the instructions on material for mkdocs guidance.
It also assumes that the frontmatter explicitly specifies the slug for the post.
Python script does not check if bsky: true is present in metadata and assumes that every new blog post will warrant a creation of bluesky post.
In the root of the site repository create a new file named and paste the following code:
# post_deploy.pyimportreimportosimportyamlimportdatetimefromatprotoimportClient,IdResolver,models#(1)importrequestsdefget_yaml_frontmatter(path,access_token,at_client,image_directory,site_url):# Regex to match YAML front matteryaml_regex=re.compile(r'^(---\n.*?\n---\n)',re.DOTALL)# Check if the path is a directory or a fileifos.path.isdir(path):# If it's a directory, process all .md filesforfilenameinos.listdir(path):iffilename.endswith('.md'):file_path=os.path.join(path,filename)process_file_yaml(file_path,yaml_regex,access_token,at_client,image_directory,site_url)elifos.path.isfile(path)andpath.endswith('.md'):# If it's a single .md file, process itprocess_file_yaml(path,yaml_regex,access_token,at_client,image_directory,site_url)else:print("Provided path is neither a valid directory nor a .md file.")defprocess_file_yaml(file_path,yaml_regex,access_token,at_client,image_directory,site_url):withopen(file_path,'r',encoding='utf-8')""url=""title_value=""# Find YAML front Parse the existing YAML front matterfrontmatter_content=frontmatter.split('---')[1].strip()frontmatter_dict=yaml.safe_load(frontmatter_content)forkey,valueinfrontmatter_dict.items():ifkey=='date':created_date=value['created']ifkey=='slug':slug_value=valueifkey=='title':title_value=valueifkey=='description':description_value=valueyyyy=created_date.yearmm=f"{created_date.month:02}"dd=f"{}"url=f"{site_url}/{yyyy}/{mm}/{dd}/{slug_value}.html"image_path=f"{image_directory}/{file_path.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0]}.png"######################################################################## skip posting if created date is more than 5 days old###############################################################################created_date_str=f"{created_date}"# Convert the created_date string to a datetime objectcreated_date=datetime.datetime.fromisoformat(created_date_str)# Get the current Calculate the difference in daysdifference=(current_date-created_date).daysifdifference<=5:#(2)print(f"created_date: {created_date} and slug_value: {slug_value}")print(f"url: {site_url}/{yyyy}/{mm}/{dd}/{slug_value}.html")print(f"img_path: {image_directory}/{file_path.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0]}.png")######################################################################################################## skip posting if url is already posted on,,limit=1,sort='oldest')"BSKY POST ALREADY EXISTS, NO ACTION NEEDED")else:# Open the image file in binary modewithopen(image_path,'rb')asimg_file:# Read the content of the image"",headers={"Content-Type":"image/png","Authorization":"Bearer "+access_token,},data=img_data,)blob_resp.raise_for_status()card={"uri":url,"title":title_value,"description":description_value,"thumb":blob_resp.json()["blob"]}embed_post={"$type":"app.bsky.embed.external","external":card,}text='Check out the latest post on my blog.'post_with_link_card_from_website=at_client.send_post(text=text,embed=embed_post)print(post_with_link_card_from_website.uri)else:print(f"No YAML front matter found in: {file_path}")defmain():BLUESKY_HANDLE=os.environ.get('BSKY_HANDLE')#(3)BLUESKY_APP_PASSWORD=os.environ.get('BSKY_APP_PWD')#(4)# Make sure the environment variables are setifnotBLUESKY_HANDLEornotBLUESKY_APP_PASSWORD:raiseValueError("Environment variables BLUESKY_HANDLE and BLUESKY_APP_PASSWORD must be set.")else:at_client=Client()at_client.login(BLUESKY_HANDLE,BLUESKY_APP_PASSWORD)"",json={"identifier":BLUESKY_HANDLE,"password":BLUESKY_APP_PASSWORD},)resp.raise_for_status()session=resp.json()access_token=session["accessJwt"]path='docs/posts'#(5)image_directory=os.path.join(os.environ['GITHUB_WORKSPACE'],'site','assets','images','social','posts')site_url=os.environ['SITE_URL']get_yaml_frontmatter(path,access_token,at_client,image_directory,site_url)if__name__=="__main__":main()
Please make sure atproto package is included in requirements.txt.
This can be changed to any other integer. Basically, it is ensuring that only posts created in last 5 days are checked. If changed to 10, it will check for last 10 day and so on.
Ensure the spelling BSKY_HANDLE is same here and in environment secret created in previous step.
Ensure the spelling BSKY_APP_PWD is same here and in environment secret created in previous step.
Make sure the path is reflecting the location of .md files where commenting is to be enabled.
The script does the following:
Runs through all .md files in docs/posts
Calls get_yaml_frontmatter function which checks if the path is a file or a directory.
As it is a directory, it cycles through all files with .md extension and for each file extracts the yaml frontmatter.
It then passes it to the function process_file_yaml which in turn checks if the post is within last 5 days and if so it checks the slug for the post and creates the url from it and checks if a bluesky post exists for that url.
If the bluesky post does not exist for this post, it creates one and if it does then it skips this file and returns to get_yaml_frontmatter and cycle continues until all .md files have been checked.